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What are problems with online shopping which may occur from time to time?

(Отметьте один правильный вариант ответа.)

Варианты ответа
They are technical problems with the Internet.
They include impossibility to pay online.
They are buying more than it was initially intended.
They are ordering the wrong product, receiving the wrong item.(Верный ответ)
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Верно ли следующее утверждение:

Problems with online shopping are called online shopping bugs.

What can the problems with online shopping cause?
How are problems with online shopping called?
Do the problems with online shopping happen frequently?
Верно ли утверждение:

Back problems are common among people who spent a lot of time sitting at computer desks.

Верно ли следующее утверждение:

Some online shoppers choose to do their shopping online specifically because they work odd hours.

Верно ли следующее утверждение:

Web servers, FTP servers, telnet servers and e-mail servers run from time to time on the server machine.

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Верно ли следующее утверждение:

Online shopping has many advantages.