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What might attachments include?

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Варианты ответа
They might include word processing documents, spreadsheets, sound files, snapshots and pieces of software.(Верный ответ)
They might include video and pictures.
They might include only text information.
They might include only Web links.
Похожие вопросы
Верно ли следующее утверждение:

Attachments might include word processing documents only.

Do email clients allow to save attachments from messages that you receive?
Верно ли следующее утверждение:

There are a lot of email clients that do not allow to send attachments.

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In theory, what programs a cloud computing system could include?
Верно ли следующее утверждение:

In theory, a cloud computing system could include practically any computer program.

Currently high-end and hardware-demanding games include QuakeII, QuakeIII, Hexen, StarCraft and Half-Life.
Верно ли следующее утверждение:

The applications that account for more of the Internet’s traffic include peer-to-peer file transfers, email, company VPNs.