База ответов ИНТУИТ

Английский язык для ИТ-специалистов

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Which of the following is not mentioned in the text?

(Отметьте один правильный вариант ответа.)

Варианты ответа
Elderly people, unlike younger workers, still prefer a hard copy of most things
In the future all big companies will go paperless(Верный ответ)
An office manager spends a great deal of time shuffling paper between desks and drawers
They like digital information because it reduces clutter
Похожие вопросы
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How does a text editor differ from an word processor?
Верно ли следующее утверждение:

Images are more eye-catching than the text.

Banking by phone, e-health services and farm reports by text messaging are becoming less and less popular.
Верно ли следующее утверждение:

Text editors have fewer formatting features and cannot use graphics.

Верно ли следующее утверждение:

Many people use a word processor for the Internet, which is similar to a text editor.

Верно ли следующее утверждение:

Text editors, such as Notepad, use a simple coding system called ASCII.