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What will the most elaborate 3-D printers be capable of?

(Отметьте один правильный вариант ответа.)

Варианты ответа
They will provide a cost-effective way to manufacture thousands of components in one day
They will provide a cost-effective way to manufacture thousands of components(Верный ответ)
They will provide a way to manufacture wood and plastic components
They will provide a cost-effective way to manufacture metal components
Похожие вопросы
Even the most elaborate 3-D printers won't be able to manufacture more than 100 components.
Укажите правильный перевод elaborate:
Largest and most expensive 3-D printing machines are capable of directly producing complex plastic, and metal and alloy components.
The 3-D printers currently available use only one certain technology.
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There will be no demand for cheaper and simpler 3-D printers in future.
Nobody believes that low-cost 3-D printers for the consumer market will eventually appear.